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Embed Calendly Calendar with Videos
Bethany Stachenfeld avatar
Written by Bethany Stachenfeld
Updated over a year ago

Sendspark makes it easy to embed Calendly calendars next to videos, so your viewers can schedule a meeting with you without ever leaving your video page.

Embed Calendly Next to Video

How to Embed a Calendly Next to Your Video

  1. In Sendspark, toggle "Calendar" to "On"

  2. Select "Calendly" from the Provider Dropdown List

  3. Add the link to the Calendly calendar you want to use

Note: you're just adding the link to your Calendly; NOT the embed code. Sendspark will automatically embed your calendar from the link.

You'll know everything is working when you see the Calendly preview appear to the right of your video!

Preview Video with Calendly Embedded
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