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Send AI-Personalized Videos in LinkedIn Automation (Expandi + Sendspark Tutorial)
Send AI-Personalized Videos in LinkedIn Automation (Expandi + Sendspark Tutorial)

Use the Sendspark + Expandi integration to send personalized videos at scale in LinkedIn automation

Bethany Stachenfeld avatar
Written by Bethany Stachenfeld
Updated over a month ago

Sendspark has a native integration in Expandi, so you can easily send AI-personalized videos as part of your LinkedIn Outreach.

How to Send Sendspark Videos in Expandi LinkedIn Automation

Prepare: Connect Sendspark and Expandi

If this is your first time using Sendspark and Expandi together, please install the Sendspark integration in Expandi.

Once you have that setup, you can follow the steps below!

1. Create dynamic video campaign in Sendspark

Head over to the dynamic video section in Sendspark, and click to "Create Dynamic Video."

Give you campaign a name, and go through the steps to create a dynamic video campaign, all up to the last step where you add contacts (you will do this part in Expandi).

If you don't know how to create a dynamic video campaign, please start with this article on creating AI personalized videos in Sendspark.

2. Create LinkedIn automation campaign in Expandi

Log into your Expandi account, go to the Campaigns section, and select "Add New Campaign."

This integration will work with any type of Expandi campaign.

3. Select Sendspark Campaign in Expandi

Right below where you edit your message in Expandi, you will see the option to select a Sendspark video.

Click on this to see all of your Sendspark dynamic video campaigns. Then, select the Sendspark Dynamic Video Campaign that you want to use for this campaign.

4. Position the {sendspark_video} placeholder correctly

When you select you Sendspark video, you'll see a {sendspark_video} placeholder variable get automatically added to your message.

Feel free to move this around so the Sendspark video link will be exactly where you want this when you send it out.

Make sure to hit "Save messages" when you're done editing! :)

5. Enroll contacts and turn on campaign!

Now, when you enroll contacts to this campaign, each one will automatically get an AI personalized video created for them. It will look like this when it sends out:

Happy connecting! :)

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