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Mixmax — Send Dynamic Videos
Bethany Stachenfeld avatar
Written by Bethany Stachenfeld
Updated over a week ago

Sendspark makes it easy to send AI-personalized videos in Mixmax email sequences. Watch the video, or follow the steps below:

How to Send AI Personalized Videos in Mixmax Sequences

  1. Create your Dynamic Video Campaign in Sendspark

  2. Import contacts

    Generate AI Videos
  3. Click "Generate videos"

    Click Generate Videos button
  4. Click "Share Campaign"

  5. Select "Mixmax"

    Share in Mixmax
  6. "Paste" into your Mixmax email sequence

    Place AI Video in Mixmax
  7. Download CSV from Sendspark

    download contacts
  8. Import Contacts into Mixmax

    import contacts
  9. Preview and send!

Preview AI Videos in Mixmax
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